Highlights in V27
- New procedure behaviour
- Multiple procedures for one client: primary and secondary
- New procedure step type: external procedure step
- More flexibility to show or hide document statuses in templates
- Excel reminders
- Link multiple documents to custom user notes
New procedure behaviour
We’re so excited to announce a new behaviour for your procedures. Till now, procedures were based on the days past due of your invoices, without taking into account whether a procedure step was processed or not. This is now joined by a brand new “step-by-step” behaviour.
“Step-by-step” means that step 1 needs to be processed, before step 2 will be activated. Take as long as you need to process step 1, the procedure actually waits. If you change your mind, easily switch to any other procedure step with one simple click. Again, till that procedure step is processed (automatically or manually), the next step is waiting.
The ‘original’ behaviour only takes into account the days past due of the oldest invoice. Based on the number of days past due, the correct procedure step is shown on the worksheet or processed automatically.
Both behaviours are available for customers on V27.
Multiple procedures for one client: primary and secondary
When adding a procedure, you can now choose between primary or secondary procedures. A primary procedure starts automatically by iController through predefined logic as discussed during the functional setup. A secondary procedure starts/stops when certain conditions are met. For example, when an invoice was disputed. This also means that multiple secondary procedures are possible per client.
Example: One of your clients has 5 invoices, of which 4 are overdue. iController assigned the procedure ‘New clients’ to the client, which generates an account statement. Based on the account statement, one of the invoices is disputed and moved to the “dispute status”. Based on the dispute status of this document, a secondary procedure kicks in, which immediately sends an email to the sales representative of that client, to notify him/her about the dispute. A few days later, the second step of the dispute procedure is activated, which sends an email to the sales manager, escalating. Both the primary procedure ‘New clients’, as well as any secondary procedure run simultaneously. There is no limit in the number of secondary procedures running at the same time for one client.
As a result we have changed the timeline on the client page, which from now on not only shows the primary procedure a client is in, but also each secondary procedure that is running.
The primary procedure is always shown in the first tab.
New procedure step type: external procedure step
We’ve added an additional procedure step type:
- Reminder
- Telephone
- Warning
- In outsourcing
- External procedure step (NEW)
The new type gives you the option to process actions outside of iController and give feedback to iController when processed (via API). You can also validate the external step in iController itself. When waiting for validation, a procedure with “step-by-step “-behaviour only proceeds when the external step is validated.
Example: You wish for an external system to validate a dispute or payment plan. When processed in iController, the external procedure step is available in the iController API. Your IT department can pick up the request for validation and process the request internally. When validation was granted, your IT department can use the iController API to validate the external procedure step. Once the procedure step has been validated, the procedure continues with the next step. If no validation was received, iController waits for validation before proceeding the procedure.
More flexibility to show or hide document statuses in templates
We’ve built in more flexibility when it comes to showing documents on templates. For example, you can show documents with a custom status like ‘Dispute’ and hide the documents in the status ‘Procedure’.
Excel reminders
Often requested, and now finally available. Send reminders with an Excel file attached instead of only a PDF.
Link multiple documents to custom user notes
An exciting time-saving feature for our users. When adding a note on the client page you can now link that note to multiple open documents. So the same note doesn’t need to be created twice to update 2 documents.
API extensions
We’ve added additional endpoints to our iController API, such as custom fields for debtors and documents. Go check it out on https://yourcompanyname.icontroller.eu/api.
We hope you will use these new enhancements a lot. And as always, let us know what you think!