Automate the creation of documents by inserting replaceable tags in your templates.
The replaceable tags can be used in the body of the document, and in the subject of the mail.
E.g. You want to mention the client reference, automatically add an invoice overview and personalized user signature in your account statement template. Your template will look like the example below:
Client reference: **reference**
Dear client,
Please find details of your account with us below:
Should you want to consult a copy of the invoice(s), please click on the invoice reference.
Kind regards,
Each element marked in green represents a replaceable tag. Replaceable tags automatically retrieve the relevant account or debtor information and can be recognized by the use of asterisks. When sending out emails to your debtors or downloading PDFs, the tags will have been replaced by the debtor and account information available in iController.
Remark: replaceable tags do not work in the template used in the task configuration of dynamic reporting.
Remark: custom fields, that are send to iController, can be used on templates using the following structure: **debtor-field-NAME_OF_THE_FIELD** or **document-field-NAME_OF_THE_FIELD**