The dashboard is your default window when logging into iController, and contains the data dating from the last import.
It is possible to see the data for the whole platform or for one company. When clicking on the tab Dashboard, you will see all the data on the iController platform.
On the other hand, when clicking on the name of the company in the left menu, you will see the data specifically for that entity or company.
Note: The dashboard can be customized for each user. Depending on the portfolios (and thus clients) activated for the user, the dashboard will show a summary of data of these clients.
Percentage and amounts (in your portfolio(s))
- Percentage in circle: the percentage of workspace list actions (reminders that need to be sent) that has been processed today
This should be 0% in the beginning of the working day
A full green circle showing 100% means you have completed all workspace list actions for the day - Outstanding: the sum of all outstanding invoices in iController
- Due: the total amount of all open invoices that passed the due date
- In promise: the sum of all open invoices in the document status 'promise'
- In dispute: the sum of all open invoices in the document status 'dispute'
- In payment plan: the sum of all open invoices in the document status 'payment plan'
These numbers can differ for each user, because the workspace items and the totals depend on the activated portfolios on the user account.
Days due
- The days due numbers of this week and last week are calculated as follows:
The average of archived date minus the due date of the archived documents, added to the mean DSO of outstanding (active) documents of the respective week - Last week's days due is the DSO calculation of last week from Monday to Sunday
- This week's days due is the calculation from last Monday until today
- The color of the globe indicates the increase rate: the darker (more red), the greater the increase is and the lighter (more green), the lower
Aging balance
- The aging balance or due date balance gives an overview of all arrears in certain periods of days
- The sum of the amounts in all aging ranges (from ...0-365+) is the same amount as 'outstanding' at the top of the dashboard page
- The sum of the amounts in the ranges 1 to 365+ is the same amount as 'due' at the top of the dashboard page
Note: It is possible to adjust the aging ranges. Contact our support team with the preferred new aging buckets. Please be aware that this is a setting that can only be changed once and for the complete platform.
Payment evolution by week
- Each bar of the graph gives the sum of the amount of all invoices that have been moved to the archive in a specific week
- The past 6 weeks are shown and can be compared to each other
- The date underneath the bar is always the last day of the week
- When the working week is from Monday until Friday, the last bar will be complete on Saturday
- Invoices with a negative amount that have been moved to the archive are also included in the graph, which makes it possible to have a negative result
Due tasks
- All due tasks assigned to a user are shown at the bottom of the dashboard page
Top 5 in dispute
- This dashboard statistic shows the highest amount of documents in dispute;
- 'Due' is the sum of all outstanding documents of the debtor in the document status dispute, regardless if the documents are due (due date)
Top 5 Broken Promises
- This dashboard statistic shows the 5 debtors with the highest amount of documents with broken promise (passed the promise date);
- 'Due' is the sum of total due amount of the debtor on one hand and broken promise undue documents on the other hand.
Top 5 Divergent payment behaviour
- This dashboard statistic shows the top 5 debtors with divergent payment behavior in the last 6 months;
- 'Due' is the sum of all due invoices of the debtor;
- iController uses the following formula:
- The average number of days after the issue date of the last 4 paid documents is calculated (= average payment term);
- If the number of days after issue date of the leading outstanding invoice (highest D.I.P.) is greater than 1,2 times the average payment term calculated, then the debtor is classified in top 5 divergent payment behavior.