In iController it is possible to send reminders in three ways:
- By email
- By postal mail: generate a PDF
- By text message: send a SMS to a debtor's cell phone number
Email or postal mail for reminders
To verify whether for a certain debtor email or PDF as preferred send method is installed, go to the debtor sheet:
- Go to Clients via the navigation bar. Or better: use the search box on top of the page to find the debtor immediately (and bypass step 2)
- Select the debtor to proceed to the debtor sheet
- In the left menu select Edit data
- In the section Contact data scroll down until you find the default debtor email address:
- Right below you can indicate to use email for reminders
- Only when the field Yes is active for Email for reminders, all reminders will be sent by email. If the field No is active, only PDF reminders will be generated.
A choice has also been made if a manual change of the Email for reminders should be overwritten or not during the next import. Contact our support team to get the configuration details of your platform.
Recipient's email address
If the reminder send method is email, the default debtor email address is used, but only when there are no contact persons who may receive the email.
Find out more: What email address is being used for sending out email reminders?
Text messages for reminders
When the SMS integration is configured on your iController platform, it is possible to add a procedure step Reminder by SMS, with an SMS reminder template linked.
Make sure a cellphone number is available and the option SMS/Text messages for reminders says Yes. You can edit this information on the client sheet > Edit data.
Worksheet list
Reminders on the worksheet list
In the respective worksheet list, you can see in the Action column the difference between a reminder by email (icon ) and a reminder by PDF (icon
). In the SMS worksheet list, the text message action will be shown as text balloon (icon
Checking recipients of email reminders on the worksheet list
The recipient(s) of the email reminders are listed in the provided column:
Change email address one-time on the worksheet list
It is possible to change the recipient email address (only for this specific reminder) by clicking on the pencil icon.