In iController all outstanding documents are assigned to a document status.
In the iController's procedure flow, you can find more information on the use of statuses in the procedure flow.
General statuses
There are five general document statuses in iController:
- Procedure
- Payment promise
- Dispute
- Payment plan
- Outsourcing
The document status Procedure is the default status for all incoming, outstanding documents in iController.
Payment Promise
When a debtor has made a payment promise, the document(s) can be moved from Procedure to Payment promise.
By adding a payment promise date during the status transfer, it becomes easy to follow up broken promises. We advise to use the payment date + 2 days (date on which payment is received on the bank account) as promise date.
On the worksheet there are the tracking lists Broken payment promises and Open payment promises, which make it convenient to follow up.
A debtor is listed in Broken promises as soon as at least one document has exceeded the promise date. It is recommended to contact these clients and transfer the documents back to procedure or to request a new promise date.
The status Dispute is used for invoices that are disputed.
In the Change document to: Dispute window, a dispute code can be assigned (recommended for reporting reasons) and a confirmation email can be send to the debtor and/or representative as confirmation that the dispute is registered.
Payment plan
When agreeing to a payment plan, the document(s) will be transferred to the status Payment plan.
How to set up and follow up the payment plan?

After completing the procedure flow, the document(s) will be moved to Outsourcing (lawyer, outsourcing company). This status transfer happens automatically when executing the final procedure step for outsourcing on the worksheet.
Custom statuses
Besides the five general document statuses, it is possible to create custom statuses that are specific per iController platform/customer.
There can be a specific reason for each company to temporarily switch the documents to another status (e.g. cash payment, direct debet).
E.g. the custom status Paid online is used when the online payment module is implemented in iController.
Changing the status of a document
To move documents from one status to another, use the checkboxes at the left and click the document status button these documents should be moved to.
Effect of document statuses on the procedure
In the document conditions of the procedures (see Settings > Procedures), you can decide which documents will be accounted to follow the procedure steps.
In the below example only documents in the statuses Procedure or Payment promise will be considered to define the procedure.
All other documents in document statuses like Payment plan, Dispute, Outsourcing, and other custom statuses will be ignored for the procedure.