Send registered email in Europe through iController and our partner For more information about the legal context, visit and iController offer an integration, which means you can send registered emails through iController. The cost of a registered email is much lower than a traditional registered letter and it will save you lots of time. If you wish to use this service, please follow the steps below.
- Send us an email (, we will get you in touch with;
- They will provide us with the integration credentials we need;
- Our customer success team will activate registered emails for you.
As from 1.000 credits you get the advantage of setting up the registered emails completely in your corporate identity.
How to use
- Go to Settings > Procedures
- Edit the procedure step which you would like to send as a registered email
- Click the checkbox next to Force registered email
- Please note: this does not work if the chosen template is forced as a PDF
- By default, iController indicates your customers with an email address available as 'debtor accepts registered email'. If, in some case, you wish an individual customer to exclude from registered email, please deselect this option by clicking No on the 'Edit data' page of the customer.
- If you wish to send the registered email to an individual contact person, please select this option on the contact person detail page.
Your worksheet lists are available as always. In the case of a procedure step which is forced as a registered email, your list looks like this:
Just like sending a normal email, you're able to preview or change the text of the email. If you choose to change the email, please note that iController informs you that the email will be sent as a registered email.
When you send this email:
- your customer receives a registered email from your email address, which iController uses for normal email as well. For example,
Screenshot e-mail: - If the customer accepts, the original email will be delivered to the customer. The customer gets directed to this screen:
- If the customer declines, the original email will not be delivered to the customer
- Please read this article about the legal context
Status updates
Within each sent email, iController shows the current status.
The email was offered to the customer:
Example status
Extra reminder
Q: How many credits will I use if I sent my email to 3 recipients?
A: 3 credits