On the worksheet a daily summary of your import data is shown. You can find this info in the left menu (scroll down).
Please note that these numbers are not an indication of the number of active clients and documents. The import summary shows the number of clients and documents which have been 'touched' by the import.
Day 1: a file with 1300 customers and 70 invoices is uploaded to iController. Obviously, the customer file contains a lot of customers without active invoices. The summary shows:
Number of clients: 1300
Documents quantity: 70
Day 2: a new file with 1300 customers is uploaded, which contains 33 new customers, but also 33 old customers have been removed from the file. Because the removed customers already have been imported into iController, iController archives these customers. The new customers are imported. The import 'touches' them both, which results in showing this summary: 1300 old + 33 new: (the same for documents)