Share data with Straetus Incasso
Via the standard functionality of the dynamic reporting, you are able to create and share a report with Straetus Incasso, based on their requirements.
If you would like to share your data with Straetus Incasso, please follow the steps below to set up a working integration.
How to
- Go to Reports
- Go to Dynamic reports
- Create a new dynamic report by clicking on
- Choose the Active documents "base"
- Create a report by drag and drop fields from the left list into the right list. Below you'll find exactly which fields to drag and drop in the left list. Please rename the fields according to the name in the third column of the overview below.
Drag and drop:
Fields to drag and drop:
Data category Available column Please rename the field to Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Geslacht Clients DEBTOR LANGUAGE Taal Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Initialen Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Voornaam Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Tussenvoegsel Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Achternaam Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Geboortedatum Clients DEBTOR NAME Bedrijfsnaam Clients DEBTOR VAT NUMBER Kvk nummer Clients DEBTOR REFERENCE Debiteurnummer Clients DEBTOR ADDRESS Straat Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Huisnummer Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Huisnr toevoeging Clients DEBTOR ZIPCODE Postcode Clients DEBTOR CITY Plaats Clients DEBTOR COUNTRY CODE Land Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Nummertype 1 Clients DEBTOR TELEPHONE Telefoonnummer 1 Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Nummertype 2 Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Telefoonnummer 2 Clients DEBTOR EMAIL Emailadres Active documents DOCUMENT DOCUMENT NUMBER Factuurnummer Active documents DOCUMENT ORIGINAL DENOMINATION IN ORIGINAL CURRENCY Factuurbedrag Active documents DOCUMENT DENOMINATION IN ORIGINAL CURRENCY Totaal openstaand bedrag Active documents DOCUMENT ORIGINAL CURRENCY Valuta Active documents DOCUMENT ISSUE DATE Factuurdatum Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Betalingstermijn Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Betalingstermijn dagtype Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * Archive number Active documents DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER * On hold Active documents DOCUMENT DUE DATE Notes
* Please note that some fields that Straetus Incasso requires, are not available in iController, so we replace them with a field that is empty. You can reuse the same field over and over again if you rename the field. For this example, we used the field DOCUMENT ORDER NUMBER because in our iController this is for sure an empty field. - Please compare your result with this example report: ic-report_Straetus Incasso example_2020-01-21.xlsx. Please make sure that:
- The fields that should be empty are indeed empty. If not, use another field which has a certain empty value.
- Each field has a matching value. For example, zip code should contain a zip code in each row.
- Now you've created the report, add filters to your report to make sure that only the data you wish to share with Straetus Incasso is available in your report. At the bottom of your report, click 'Add more complex filters'.
Complex filters allow you to limit the data in the report. Please find a detailed description of the filters and matching examples here: Dynamic reports: complex filters.
You could for example, add an outsource code in iController for Straetus incasso to select when moving documents to outsourcing.
Add the columns you need to filter on in 'Selected columns' and click on the 'eye icon' to make these fields invisible in the report and add the filters by opening 'Add more complex filters'. - Name your report and click Save report
- Create a Task configuration to automatically share your report with Straetus Incasso by email.