Adding Branding
In the branding library you can add new logos and PDF’s that can be used in your templates. The logos are implemented with replaceable tags and the PDF’s can be used as backgrounds in the template.
To upload new logos, go to the
In the branding library you can add new Logos and PDF’s, once uploaded these can be used in the templates. The logo’s can be used as replaceable tags and the PDFs can be used as background in the template settings.
To upload new logos:
Navigate to Settings.
Select Branding Library from the left navigation menu.
Click Add new button to add a logo or pdf. You will be required to add:
Name The name of the branding you are uploading.
This must be unique. The name is important when you want to work with branding on account level (see below).
Type Select either PDF or Logo
Fallback This is the PDF or logo that will be used in your template when no specific file is uploaded.
If you want to use the same pdf and/or logo for all languages, it is sufficient to only upload the Fallback.
The accepted file format for type PDF is .pdf (only single page) and for Logo the accepted formats are .png, .jpeg and .svg.
Branding Language For every template language you are able to upload a separate file.
Adding Branding to Companies
To add branding to a specific company,, select “Company Details” from the left nav. For each company, you are able to select one (1) logo and one (1) pdf. The dropdown will show you all the existing items from the branding library as well as an option to add a new one which will redirect you to the branding library.
Once the branding is set on the company level this can be used in the templates. The advantage is that when this is set on all templates, when the background needs to be changed it only needs to be changed in the library instead of every single template. It also makes it easier to copy templates to other companies, so you do not necessarily have to change the background if set at company level.
Adding Branding to Templates
In the templates, the logos can be added by using the replaceable tag Company specific logo (**constituent-logo**):
In the template settings, the pdf background configured in the Branding Library can be added by selecting Use PDF background from company settings.