Add labels to dynamic reports
Users can now add labels to make it easier to find and manage their dynamic reports.
Learn how to add labels here >>
Tracking list filtering
Filters have now been added to the Tracking Lists to help narrow down the items the user may need to review. Click Add filter button on the Tracking list label.
Select an action added to unified table view
Users are now able to select one or more documents within the unified table and execute a Send Document Overview or Add note action using a drop-down menu.
Dynamic SMS Originator (Europe Only)
Customers are now able to make the originator of an SMS dynamic. This means the originator will change based on the debtor being sent the SMS.
Duplicate Invoices
Preventative measure were added to avoid incorrectly matching PDFs to an account. Collections can now identify a PDF may be a possible match for multiple accounts and log the error.
Support can check for errors here: https://export.icontroller.eu/clients.php
Integration improvements between Collections and the Billtrust Platform
- Real-time updates including dispute creation, notes, and resolution.
- Closed disputes displayed in the disputes widget on the Account page.
- Account and document-level custom fields available in dispute reporting.
Create filter on widget for Closed Disputes
Improved the user experience in the Dispute widget by adding the ability for users to see and filter for closed disputes in the widget.
Users are not able to edit closed disputes.
Adding custom fields on account and document level to DCS reporting
We added two new data categories to the Channel reporting category (also contains all the DCS cases). Users can now add custom fields on account level and document level.
Select Account or Document fields as columns to add custom fields to your dispute reporting. These selections allow you to find and add your custom fields to reports.
Reporting Performance Upgrades
Performance improvements were made to the reporting module to benefit exceptionally large customers
Custom Fields API
Customers can now create and edit custom fields using the API. Only custom fields that are defined in the custom field definitions with a type can be altered using the API.
Customers must provide either:
- Debtor Id or Debtor Reference and Constituent ID.
- Name of the Custom Field
- New Value of the Custom Field
Once custom fields are updated, a debtor refresh will be triggered so that the new data will show up in Collections.
Enhancements to support Account with a Large Number of Documents
- Display the archived at/paid at date correctly. In some cases, the document archive date was set to the import date. This has been corrected to reflect the actual archived at/paid at date.
- Support for iBiller screens of online payments/dispute/promise to pay. For accounts using the Active Document Combiner for large number of documents per account, all documents are not available to be paid in iBiller.
- Users are now able to view 100 documents per page and pagination is available to navigate through all documents.
- Users can now act on 100 documents at a time.
- Add link to the PDF of an invoice in the excel attachment for reminders. Customers have requested a clickable link to invoices in the excel attachment. This has been added.
- Users can now see the calculated total of the documents selected when using the Unified Table.
- For combined accounts, we have created a default widget on the account view which shows the following totals in the different currencies used for an account:
- Total Due
- Total Not Due
- Total Outstanding
- Total Dispute
- Total Outsourcing
Visualization of the PDF of the invoice
We have changed the way we visualize PDFs to correct some of the image issues that our customers have been experiencing. Instead of converting the PDF’s to images we are now making use of a PDF viewer, this makes sure that the formatting of the original PDF is kept.
Portfolio Assigner Improvement
In the portfolio assigner, you can now select portfolios you created manually. When using conditions in the portfolio assigner, you will be able to set the portfolio name or select a portfolio name you created manually. This new configuration allows you to create empty portfolios and then use these in the portfolio assigner to be filled with accounts.
V33 implementation and support
- Update days in procedure only on working days: ignore for documents not overdue yet.
- Users can now see all the history on the Account page and are able to scroll through the history.
- Add Korean and Chinese as template languages
- Add list of groups chosen from worksheet to the workspace list items page.
- Consider procedure step costs in step-by-step procedures.
- When sending a notification in a procedure step, PDF attachments will also be sent in the notification.
- Ability to add attachments when changing statuses. Previously you were only able to add attachments when changing to the dispute status, now this is possible for all other statuses (except payment plan).
- When navigating to Send document overview by default the option for email will be selected if applicable.