- Enhanced Dispute Management is only available for Platform customers
- Dispute settings must be configured on the Platform before it will be available for use in BT Collections.
- he Disputes Widget must be added to the Account page for Dispute resolution.
Creating a Dispute
Create a Dispute by selecting the document and clicking on the “Dispute” button.
The Disputes window opens to view and select previously configured:
- Categories
- Reasons
- Departments
- Assignees
Once you have entered all of the relevant data, you will be able to manage and resolve the Dispute in BT Collections or in the Dispute Workspace on the Platform including:
- Adding comments
- Adding attachments
Editing a Dispute
The disputes widget has 3 distinct click actions on each dispute row/record.
- Checkbox - corresponds to the ‘resolve’ button allowing users to select one or more rows/records to resolve.
- Row - clicking on the row anywhere other than the checkbox or the invoice/document number link will open a window with dispute details where users can add attachments, notes, edit the dispute settings details (category, reason, department, assignee)
- Document- the value representing the document or invoice number is a clickable link that will direct the user to a page with details about the document/invoice. This is the same if the user clicks on the document/invoice link in the tables on the Account page.
NOTE: The disputes widget will show all disputes that have been created from any product. For migration customers, disputes created in First Gen will show here once the migration is complete.
Resolving a Dispute
To resolve a Dispute in BT Collections, check the box on the left of the row for the dispute(s) you want to resolve. More than one record can be resolved at the same time so long as you intend to apply the same dispute resolution and resolution reason.
Once you’ve checked your disputes, click Resolve.
You will be presented with a page that allows you to select from values configured in the Platform: ○ Valid or Invalid
- Resolution
- You will also be able to select what happens next with the document, for example: ○ Move to any standard status like Procedure, Promise or Payment Plan
- Move to any custom status
- Add notes, attachments and send internal/external emails related to the dispute.
Disputes can also be resolved by going to the dispute table in the Account page and selecting a different status. If the document(s) selected is still open, you will be presented with a dispute resolution page to provide the same resolution details outlined above. If the dispute has already been resolved in the disputes workspace then the resolution page will be skipped and the user will be directed to the relevant page to move the document(s) into the selected status.
When multiple documents are selected from the dispute table, and there is a combination of disputes that are open and closed, the user will see the dispute resolution page to resolve the open disputes and then be directed to the page to move the closed disputes into the selected status.
When documents are archived, the dispute is automatically resolved.